08 JAN 2011 by ideonexus

 The More Dimorphic the Female of a Society, the Greater E...

An adult white woman differs far more from a white man than a negress or pigmy woman from her equivalent male. The education, the mental disposition, of a white or Asiatic woman, reeks of sex; her modesty, her decorum is not to ignore sex but to refine and put a point to it; her costume is clamorous with the distinctive elements of her form. The white woman in the materially prosperous nations is more of a sexual specialist than her sister of the poor and austere peoples, of the prosperous cl...
Folksonomies: feminism
Folksonomies: feminism
  1  notes

If women are made to dress up and accentuate their sexual attributes, they become useless for anything but sex, since their presence will inflame mens' passions and make them act hormonally; while women who are treated with equality could be teachers and productive members of society.

01 JAN 2010 by ideonexus

 The Bogo-Sort Algorithm for Creating Universes

A spectacular variant of bogo-sort has been proposed which has the interesting property that, if the Many Worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics is true, it can sort an arbitrarily large array in linear time. (In the Many-Worlds model, the result of any quantum action is to split the universe-before into a sheaf of universes-after, one for each possible way the state vector can collapse; in any one of the universes-after the result appears random.) The steps are: 1. Permute the array rand...
  1  notes
If the many-universes hypothesis is true, then it is a magnificently inefficient system.